The Hope Project has been busy again this year helping people in need. Your kind donations have enabled Hope to  bless 17 families in Penzance and the surrounding areas.

Thanks to the continuing support from people like you, the Hope Project has been able to spend close to £4,000 in 2017, meeting the needs of people in our area.

Your contributions are greatly valued and very much appreciated. We wanted to take this opportunity to share with you some of the exciting things that have been happening this year, thanks to you.

Demelza was one of many people grateful to receive help from the Hope Project this year. She had recently moved to Penzance and was 7 months pregnant so was very relieved to have a new washing machine!

Hope is expanding...

The last 10 years or so have been an exciting journey for the Hope Project and seen it develop into a well established and effective Project.

This year has seen an expansion of the Hope Project Vision. The scope of the Hope Project has broadened to increase the ways in which we can bless our community. This includes becoming an ‘umbrella’ framework under which other similar social action initiatives, focused on alleviation of the poor, can operate. Click on the button below for more information on how your donations are now making an even greater impact.

New Hope Vision

Hope Outside Continues

The Hope Outside initiative has continued in 2017 by helping those, that for whatever reason, have been unable to maintain their gardens. This bush in Newlyn had grown beyond the reach of it's owner but the Hope Project were only too happy to lend a helping hand.


Above you can see why the lady was struggling to cut it down to size. 

And here, the all important 'after' shot! (Right)
This is Kenneth who was the first to benefit from The Hope Project’s new and expanded vision beyond just household goods. After spending 10 years of his time and focus on his mother’s care, life found him living in a collapsing caravan with his four dogs. Life had been some-what difficult living with no hot water or electricity until the arrival of a Lister twin cylinder oil engine generator.

Kenneth tells the story from here - “Enter the Hope Project, who have saved my life twice now and to which I shall always be eternally grateful – to it and the wonderful souls who run it.  I am disabled – 30 years of M.E. and a heart-stent.  Swinging the handle sufficient unto the firing thereof of the said green Lister is impossible for me in the months when the sump-oil is cold and thick.  It takes two heavy duty 12 volt batteries linked in series to turn her over.  The old batteries gave up the ghost some time ago and I was not looking forward to the prospect of no electricity again this winter. The wonderful Hope Project has purchased for me the two starting batteries required for the generation of electricity to power lighting, heat, machinery, the Kenwood, the electric razor (not often used, it has to be said, with my beard in place!), the toaster, ‘George’ the hoover and other modern delights have entered my life once again at the press of the starter button. So, again, I have just used the batteries to start the genny, to produce the current, to charge the computer, to finish this note of sincere and grateful thanks! My family motto of over 800 years is ‘Sperabo’ – I SHALL Hope – is it any wonder therefore that I turned to this saving organization of the same name?  They did NOT let me down.”

Stat Corner!

Since 2012, The Hope Project has been privileged to give a massive £15,304 towards blessing Penzance and the surrounding areas. We couldn't have done this without you, so thank you!

Top items for 2017...

1. Washing Machines (x7)
2. Fridge Freezers (x4)
3. Cookers (x2)


Last year The Hope Project was proud to announce the launch of our new Website. Please take time to visit our news pages to see what we have been up to lately. You can also find out how to contact The Hope Project if you know of someone in need or who might be interested in donating.
And don't forget to 'Like' us on Facebook!

Thank you so much for your support this year. 

Everyone at The Hope Project would like to wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Copyright © 2017 The Hope Project, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
The Hope Project c/o Shekinah Christian Church, Taroveor Road, Penzance, TR18 2AA

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